Tuesday, May 10, 2005

The successful applicant

I started this week at the Home Office, and it appears the entire week will be taken up by our training (myself and two other chaps who are starting in the same office), which is a stark contrast to AON (the insurance company I left last week), where training involved a hurried few hours on my first morning. Although I prefer the former method (being talked at for a week), it is quite boring, and what is obvious to anyone is that most people learn by doing. However, we seem to be finishing early every day and still getting paid a full day, so I aint complaining.

Does anyone have a copy of the Orange Book, which the Liberal Democrats produced last year? It's a series of articles (one written by Nick Clegg, my MP), debating various liberal political ideas, and would very much like to read it without paying £8.99. If anyone has any other interesting politics books (historical, theoretical, contemporary) they would like to recommend (and loan) to me, I would be most grateful.

I'm currently reading a book called 'The Age Of Revolution' by Eric Hobsbawm, a very influential Marxist historian (I'm told); it's about the Dual Revolution (French & British Industrial) and how industrial capitalism had its wicked way with Western Europe. Very engaging so far.


At 1:00 pm, Blogger Nick said...

Hobsbawm's book is a seminal historical text. But he is a marxist and it is quite old now, so there will have been replies to his theories by now.


Alex Absalom has lots of politics books. He used to work for the Lib Dems you know

At 4:44 pm, Blogger Pete said...

Yeah, thought he was a bit of a legend.

I heard Alex worked for the Lib Dems, would love to talk to him about it; I'm writing to Nick Clegg to get some work experience with him.


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