Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Cap in hand

There is, perhaps, very little a politician does or says that is completely unrelated to a vote somewhere. And that's before an election is called. I've signed up to take part in a project the New Politics Network (a cross party think tank: see link) are running, whereby I record all the contact I receive from the various political parties, whether leaflets, phone calls, texts, or door-to-door visits. I then send back all the hard copy I receive, and they collate the information for their study, assessing the amount and quality of electioneering.

So far, I've only received one leaflet, from the lovely Spencer Pitfield. Fear mongering twat.

Just to remind anyone, I'm still well up for hosting an election party; I'm currently thinking up the various sweep stakes we can run (any suggestions welcome).


At 4:15 pm, Blogger Si said...

It's slightly uncharacteristic of me to stick up for the Tory, but is it not a little bit hypocritical for you to call Spencer Pitfield a "scare-mongering twat" when you've said he sounds like a 19th century serial killer? Obviously it's the adjective that I'm referring to, I wouldn't dream with applying the noun to you Pete ;-)

At 7:05 pm, Blogger Pete said...

The name Spencer Pitfield does sound like a 19th Century serial killer.

And I am a twat too.


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