Thursday, March 16, 2006

I made a new doll today

It wasn't cold like everyone expected. That was usually the first question when people wanted to talk to me about it. 'Weren't you cold?' I'd established good cover. I like to watched the billow of the tent, ever so slight and gentle. It wasn't cold though.
I'm thankful to one man for saving me. Charlie. He came into the wood and didn't talk to me at all. He just took me away. Do you want to know how he did it? Well, maybe we'll get to it, and maybe we won't, but the important thing to remember at this point is that I owe everything to him, and love him very much. When I saw him for the first time, I'd forgotten what I'd become, but when he looked right into me with that sternness, I knew I wouldn't be hurt. I hadn't seen anybody in a long time. I couldn't remember the month, but my old watch said 31 on the date. I don't see him so much now, but when I do, he always talks to me. He smiles as though he's really reserved something for me. Do you ever wonder who would play you if they made a film of your life? I always think Laurence Olivier would have played Charlie so perfectly. And I liked the idea of John Mills playing me. I don't really look like him, or even sound like him. He's also quite short, isn't he, and I'm over six foot. I suppose it's rather conceited.


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