The Cuckoo is a pretty bird
My God, last night went to see Shirley Collins tell The Memorial Hall all about her travellings across America with Alan Lomax in 1959, and it was wonderful. She told wonderful stories and although delivery was a bit middle-aged (well, she is, so...), her experiences were so interesting, and the music she played incredible that that didn't matter too much. And anyway, I warmed to her style pretty quickly, it was quite homely and English.
So in 1959, Alan Lomax invited her over to the States to held assist some field recordings throughout the South. Unbelievable, I don't think I've ever been so jealous of a person's experience. They came across some pretty scary Baptists who didn't take too kindly to her sinful haircut and Alan's beatnik beard. I think my favourite of the musicians they came across were the Sacred Harp singers - I'd heard some of this profound Christian singing tradition on the Cold Mountain soundtrack, and their harsh, defintie voices, pounding away from their proud hearts is so beautifully stirring. One of the most moving sounds I've heard.
It was interesting to find out Po Lazarus - the first song featured on the O Brother Where Art Thou soundtrack and inspiration for probably the best song I've ever written - was also a 1959 field recording. It really was a recording of prisoners hitting away at the dirt with their picks. Incredible.
Anyway, today I've been putting together a compilation for Felicity, who was also there with me, of some traditional American music. Lots of fun.
Also, I'm looking forward to purchasing some of Shirley's own records - I've been meaning to buy Old Roots, New Routes, her album with Davey Graham, for some time. I'm also going to get some Anne Briggs and some other English folk traditionalists.
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