I feel a regular feature coming on, quoting daily from Simon Hoggart. Today he was commenting on the Paxman-Blair interview last night. Anyone watch it? He was on top form (Paxman that is), but he did begin to get annoying near the end.
"Heaven knows how Torquemada, the head of the Spanish Inquisition, would have coped with Tony Blair. Jeremy Paxman must have wondered at times during his Newsnight special interview with the prime minister last night.
'Ha! Do you repent the sin of heresy?'
'Look, I don't think the people of medieval Spain are particularly concerned with that issue. I think what they want to know about are economic growth, high employment, and low mortgage rates on their miserable hovels.'
Paxman had the early running. He has developed the poached egg-eyed stare, expressing incredulity beyond comprehension. ('You think the earth revolves around the sun? Are you mad?')...
...Paxman has also developed dazzling glasses ploys. They are put on to examine the documents for the prosecution, as in: 'In 2001, you told us, and I quote...' Then they are whipped off to suggest fathomless scepticism. In their absence he utilises the eyebrows and mouth, pursed into a cynical moue, or the left hand, jammed into the temple, as if his brain needed re-booting after downloading so much nonsense."